about you
name?: Ericka
age?: 21
height?: 5’3.5
pre-pregnancy weight?: 145
about the father
name?: michael
age?: 25
height?: 6’2
are you still together?: engaged and living as a married couple
about your pregnancy
when did you find out you were pregnant?: 7/15/12 though he knew basically right when we conceived.
was it planned?: very planned!
what was your first reaction?: i cried and was thrilled because i got 3 positive tests and the test at the dr said i wasnt pregnant. then after 3 days of waiting, they called me and told me i was right and my blood test showed i was pregnant :)
who was with you when you found out?: no one, i went to michael’s work and jumped on him and told him that we were pregnant!
who was the first person you told?: michael
how did your parents react?: worried at first then thrilled because they see how in love we are and how good of a family we are together
how far along are you?: 39+6
what was your first symptom?: sore boobs, nausea, mood swings
what is your due date?: 3/1/13 (tomorrow)
do you know the sex of the baby?: a wittle girl!!
have you picked out names?: madison marie mckenzie prestis
how much weight have you gained?: ick, 30lbs
do you have stretch marks?: yes, unfortunately.
have you felt the baby move?: she used to be a bit more wild
have you heard the heartbeat?: so many times but it never gets old
about the birth
will you keep the baby?: of course
home or hospital birth?: hospital
natural or medicated birth?: natural, unmedicated, non chemical induction methods if necessary
who will be in the delivery room with you?: hubby :)
will you breastfeed?: of course, and plan to ebf
do you think you’ll need a c-section?: definitely not
will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: definitely
what’s the first thing you might say to him/her?: how much i love her, im sure
would you let someone videotape the birth?: i might but i probably wont have it taped
are you excited about the birth, or scared?: excited, happy, ready to get this show on the road!!!
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